A world where dreams are a reality. Entering this immersive experience, you will be transported to 2044 Los Angeles, where a hot new underground form of entertainment is popping up in secret locations throughout the city: dreamscape immersion.
How is this possible, you may ask? Well, over time, MRI scanning technology has developed to the point where we can observe the dreams of others, thanks to SLEEPWALKR Industries and their patented tech. This is a revolution within the medical field, especially in treating issues related to mental health, allowing therapists to dive into their patients' subconscious firsthand. The visual results generated are good enough-- though still far from perfect-- but the audio developed is something else entirely.
While not available on the public market, some internal spies within the medical community have used their intel to get their hands on a few select SLEEPWALKR machines, selling them off to clandestine entertainment troupes known by a hush-hush few as "dream exhibitors." Everyday folks will pay to enter these secret exhibition spaces and enter the dreamscapes of others, providing them with a psychedelic and otherworldly somnaural experience. Dreamers come in from all walks of life to link up and showcase their minds to audiences. Some engage for the money, some do it for a sort of exhibitionist thrill, some have been pressured by friends or relatives. But no matter how they've got here, these folks have interesting minds worth exploring through the power of dreams.
Come and enter a dreamscape, won't you? Maybe more than one, even. The Sandmen Collective, the most popular and successful of the city's dream exhibitors, is here to provide you with the opportunity.
An unforgettable experience. You'll arrive at what seems to be an average, unsuspecting mini mall. Head up the stairs and around to the back corner, down a long and foreboding hallway. This is the spot The Sandmen Collective has chosen to exhibit tonight.
Then, you are presented with the opportunity to choose one of three dream experiences. Or two of three. Or all of them. Each dreamer is an entirely different person, of course resulting in a completely different piece of dreamscape immersion depending on who you decide to somnaurally link with. You will be placed into one of multiple small chambers where you will be provided with an eye mask and a pair of headphones.
This is where the experience truly begins, allowing you a 10-15 minute encounter per dreamer, as you are enveloped within the abstract, experimental storytelling of their subconscious via expertly mixed 360-degree immersive audio and live sensory effects– all the while being trapped in complete darkness. Will it be ethereal, emotional, horrifying, uplifting? You'll have to see for yourself. Choose your dreamer(s) wisely. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced before. Inside the Box Productions welcomes you to SLEEPWALKR.
Three dreamers, three stories.
Exhibition Bay Alpha - HARVEY
A wild ride through childhood fears.
● Up to 4 guests per link
● Minor sensory effects
● Loud, frightening, exaggerated
Exhibition Bay Bravo - SIOBAHN
You're performing onstage, but the audience has other ideas.
● Up to 6 guests per link
● Minor sensory effects
● Nerve-racking, claustrophobic, ethereal
Exhibition Bay Charlie - CLEMENTINE Amidst a late-night subway train jaunt, a strange passenger approaches.
● Up to 8 guests per link
● Moderate sensory effects
● Intimidating, gritty, disturbing
January 6-8 and 13-15, 2023 | Open from 7pm-11pm nightly
Individual Dream: $10 | Two Dream Bundle: $18 | Three Dream Bundle: $24
Sunny Plaza 529 East Valley Boulevard San Gabriel, CA 91776
For more information... Experience Website: https://sleepwalkr.org/ Eventbrite Ticket Page (Tickets go live December 9th): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sleepwalkr-an-immersive-360-degree-audio-experience-tickets-46 0863423907
Created by young artists. Co-creators Sam Kellman and David Coleman already have years of experience in the immersive entertainment space despite their young age– with Sam operating The Opechee Haunt for over a decade, creating experiences such as TOUR, The Donnie Darko Experience, and Jack’s Halloween JamBOOree, having most recently creative directed the immersive theatre show Within Our Walls under Inside the Box Productions. David has previously worked with The Opechee Haunt and Twisted in creating numerous haunted attractions, branching off into his own Exquisite Corpse Horror Media in recent years, producing installations such as 2022’s Redwater. He’s stoked to join Inside the Box on this project, and his expertise in the field of immersive audio and sound design is definitely a very welcome addition to the quality of SLEEPWALKR. Both Sam and David are also engaged in the film industry, providing this attraction with a memorable cinematic edge.