By Jaimz Dillman
Photos courtesy of Koontz Photography
The idea of a Halloween-time styled shoot inspired by Interview with a Vampire seemed like a perfect fit for a group of Central Florida wedding vendors. But then adding the element of including a polyamorous throuple storyline elevated the drama to the level this group is known for.
The annual gathering of a photographer, videographer, florist, designers, and more always finds a way to turn the conventional into something not expected.

"Interview" is widely known from the Anne Rice novels but got a resurgence with the Tom Cruise movie and new streaming series which premiered last year. The wedding pros like to challenge the usual traditions of what’s usually done in ceremonies and receptions so when the idea of uniting Lestat, Louie, and Armand was proposed the resounding answer was yes!

Although a polyamorous throuple marriage may not be legally recognized in the States, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And giving attention to any way people love is paramount to this group to have all relationships represented.

Floral from Lee Forrest Design focused heavily on the passion of blood red roses, sword fern, and used the surrounding greens of venue Cypress Grove’s grand sprawling trees. Hanging Spanish moss added a touch of the south giving a nod to the story’s New Orleans setting and the plantation-style house in the background of shots.

Koontz Photography and Elmwood Forest Productions grabbed shots and video to tell a love story rather than the traditional posed point-and-click pics.

The sumptuous serpentine table and King Louis chairs from Event Works and tabletop additions from RW rentals created a flowing river effect paired with luxury decor from A Chair Affair and Over the Top linens. Signage by Mad Oddities caught the usually elusive vampire’s reflections in a gorgeous mirror showcasing the title for the day and hanging chandeliers from Kaleidoscope Event Lighting gave the outdoor setup a more intimate feeling rather than just a wide open space.

The models were at the height of formal fashion, as vamps are known to be. John Craig Clothier provided textures and colors that paired perfectly with personal jewelry and added touches completing the ensembles. Try not to gag on that wedding cape!
While 3 vampire models could call for extreme drama and cheesy camp, Laura Reynolds kept hair and makeup to an undead minimum highlighting our trio’s natural features and letting them shine with smokey eyes and powdered pallets. Invites were a little tricky with the three names but Themes Come True tackled it with ease giving another touch of glamour to the overall feel of the event keeping with red throughout the suite.
And what’s a reception dinner without a cake so beautiful you want to instantly sink your teeth into it? Anna Cakes kept the design classic while giving a nod to the day’s inspiration and gave us a dessert that fit perfectly amid our blood-suckers.

Michele Butler coordinated the plans, the venue gave the space, and all talents combined to hit another Halloween shoot out of the park. So, until the crypt opens again for next year, enjoy Love Holds You To Me… and try not to get too thirsty with those last few scandalous shots.
Planner: Michele Butler Events http://michelebutlerevents.com/
Creative Consultant: Jaimz Dillman https://www.facebook.com/jaimz.dillman
Floral Decor: Lee Forrest Design http://leeforrestdesign.com/about.html
Photographer: Koontz Photography http://www.koontzphotography.com /
Videographer: Elmwood Forest http://www.elmwoodforest.com/
Venue: Cypress Grove Estate House https://rw-brands.com/cypressgrove/
HMUA: Laura Reynolds Artist https://www.laurareynoldsartistry.com/
Cake: Anna Cakes https://annacakes.com/
Stationary: Themes Come True http://www.themescometrue.com/
Lighting: Kaleidoscope Event Lighting http://www.keventlighting.com/
Clothing: John Craig Clothier http://www.johncraigclothier.com/
Event Works Rentals http://www.eventworksrentals.com/
Chair Affair Rentals https://chairaffairrentals.com/
RW Events https://rw-brands.com/rwstyle/
Mad Oddities https://madoddities.com/
Over the Top Inc http://www.overthetopinc.com/