Dust off those VHS players! Today, renowned indie horror publisher DreadXP announced an April 25, 2023, launch date for cartoon edutainment-themed horror game, Amanda the Adventurer, for PC!

Developed by MANGLEDmaw Games, Amanda the Adventurer is a found footage style horror title that’s a throwback to the television edutainment era. In the game, players embody Riley Park who inherits their Aunt Kate’s house following her death. The adventure starts with the seemingly banal task of digging through the reclusive aunt’s attic, where Riley comes across a box full of VHS tapes. Watching through them, they discover that the tapes contain episodes of a long-lost children’s show starring the plucky Amanda the Adventurer and her cowardly yet loyal sidekick, Woolie the Sheep.

At first glance, the videos seem innocently childish and wholesome, depicting two best buddies as they explore and learn all about their wonderful world. However, the longer the videos are watched, the more a creeping, sickening feeling emerges that something in the tapes is watching back. Every day's another adventure!

Key Features of Amanda the Adventurer:
Fun-Filled Episodes!: Featuring several play-along, laugh-along, learn-along episodes, there's always fun to be had with Amanda. Just don’t upset her, OK?
A New Take on Analog Horror: Discover animated tapes that tell a progressively more unsettling story, all under the guise of a welcoming children’s cartoon
Nostalgia in Full Force: Play through classic, ‘90’s-style CGI that recalls a simpler era of animation
You Talking to Me?: Amanda the Adventurer brings back the familiar format of characters who interact directly with the viewer — a dream come true for any ‘90s kid...or is it a nightmare?
Amanda the Adventurerlaunches April 25, 2023, on PC via Steam. Can’t wait ‘til April? Download and play the demo today!